Oswald Defense Lawyer

"His mouth is in his brain"

Monday, June 26, 2006

Most Robberies by Gang Members are for the Benefit of the Gang. Therefore, THIS Gang Member Committed THIS Robbery for the Benefit of the Gang.

Most pets are cats. I have a pet dog. Therefore, my dog is a cat.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Testimony of the Week

ODL: What was it that either of these men said to you?
Little Old Lady: Pardon?
ODL: What was it that either this man here or his partner said to you that convinced you that your water heater needed to be repaired?
Little Old Lady: I don't get you, sir.
ODL: What exactly did anyone say to you? What exactly did these men say to you to convince you that your water heater needed a repair?
Little Old Lady: I still don't get you.
ODL: Are you able to hear me okay?
Little Old Lady: Pardon.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Testimony of the Week

Prosecution Gang Expert: I don't believe there is racism against any race now.