Oswald Defense Lawyer

"His mouth is in his brain"

Friday, March 31, 2006

Testimony of the Week

ODL: If a "criminal street gang" is defined under the law as any ongoing organization or association of three or more people having a common identifying name or symbol, and whose members have committed two or more of certain offenses including robbery and grand theft, then can you please tell the court why the Los Angeles Police Department Rampart Division is not a criminal street gang?

Prosecution Gang Expert: No, I cannot.

The Judge: What's the "Rampart Division"? I've never heard of that.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Quarry Shoots Hunter

Some cases are about more than self-defense. Some are about the right to defend not just one's life, but the right to live that life as a human being.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Testimony of the Week

ODL: Is your girlfriend a verbally abusive person?
The Witness: She has a black belt in mouth karate.