Testimony of the Week

ODL: If a "criminal street gang" is defined under the law as any ongoing organization or association of three or more people having a common identifying name or symbol, and whose members have committed two or more of certain offenses including robbery and grand theft, then can you please tell the court why the Los Angeles Police Department Rampart Division is not a criminal street gang?
Prosecution Gang Expert: No, I cannot.
The Judge: What's the "Rampart Division"? I've never heard of that.
I don't know what that is either, but LOL.
This is just a brief timeline. It was a very big deal about 5-6 years ago. It seems a whole bunch of LAPD officers from the Rampart CRASH (anti-gang) unit were engaged in assorted nefarious activities including making up cases against people, manufacturing the evidence against them, and testifying against them. There are also assorted tales of beatings, etc.
Most notably, Officer David Mack was convicted of robbing a bank and Officer Rafael Perez was convicted of stealing cocaine out of the evidence locker.
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