Oswald Defense Lawyer

"His mouth is in his brain"

Friday, July 07, 2006

Motion in Lemonade

Next week I defend Mr. Z, a high-priced, unlicensed plumber, accused of theft from an elder by false pretenses.

The fun part of this trial is that I get to argue in favor of everything I despise about capitalism.

Here is an excerpt from a motion in limine to be filed Monday:

". . . The prices charged by Mr. Z. were equivalent to "puffing," or an exaggeration of the value of his work, actionable only on television's Moral Court. See People v. Morphy (1893) 100 Cal. 84. Sadly, in a free market capitalist society, such as the one we enjoy in America, salespeople may charge whatever a little old lady is willing to pay. Caveat Emptor."


At 7:52 PM, Blogger Kat said...

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At 11:41 AM, Blogger Kat said...

Way overcharging for a product...like Starbucks?


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