Love that Modesto!

Last night, 33-year-old Michael Lasiter tried to cut off his arm in Denny's---first with a butter knife from somebody's table, and then with a butcher knife from the kitchen. Fortunately, police arrived in time to Taze Mr. Lasiter and remove him from the restaurant before he was able to completely sever his arm.
Denny's ("Always Open"!) was forced to close for the evening to "clean up."
So you're a celebrity now, eh? The segment on your paintings was quite good, you sounded cerebral, not like the pompous windbag I thought it would make you sound like, I mean the pompous windbag you are, really. That was intended with the highest regard, the highest regard for pompous windbags.
Hey, I know this pompous windbag, and I have to watch your segment now for examples of good pompous windbaggery.
LOL @ pompous windbaggery.
Gimme money. Seriously.
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